The Lofi Phenomenon

Lofi Music: Overplayed or overlooked?

After a long day at school, you finally retreat to the comforts of your room. Lights dimmed, A/C on, and lo-fi beats playing, you pull out the incomplete assignments you have left and begin working. There’s a sweet comfort to working your way through homework at your own pace and studying with the faint background beats. It’s just you and the iconic lo-fi girl, chipping away at what seems to be an endless mountain of tasks. Aside from its relaxed vibe and soothing aura, lo-fi also helps slow things down. School and even life itself can be overwhelmingly fast-paced sometimes; keeping up is hard enough, much less staying ahead. Taking time to unwind while being productive may seem like a juxtaposition, but lo-fi—the newest musical phenomenon—takes life at a slower pace. It reminds you to take each problem or sentence one at a time. Focus on the present moment, and avoid overthinking the future. 

Those who don’t listen to lo-fi may wonder what all the hype around the genre is about. After all, lo-fi mostly comprises non-lyrical beats arranged in a random, sporadic order. The origins of lo-fi are unique: the genre centers around mistakes. According to Discover Magazine, the term “‘lo-fi’ means ‘low-fidelity,’ music where you can hear imperfections typically considered errors in the recording process.” In essence, songwriters usually create music that pleases the ears, which correlates with minimal error. Since errors tend to make music harder to listen to, lo-fi’s popularity seems illogical from a technical standpoint. However, with its soothing beats and simple rhythm, lo-fi attracts listeners from all ages and nations. It brings them together in a much larger community: one characterized by encouragement, belonging, and the occasional error. 

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