What Can You Do With An Art Degree?

The first career path that comes to mind after obtaining an art degree would be to pursue professional artistry or possibly teach art. However, is this all you can do?

When chasing an art degree, you are often given the opportunity to learn from a wide range of perspectives while also surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals. You can work within a studio or mix in some lecture hall classes. 

Besides creating art, art degrees will most often contain content on history and theory as well. Of course, the actual content will vary widely with the different, more specific art degrees that you can choose from— some popular ones include architecture, graphic design, sculpture, and studio art (which is perhaps the most “stereotypic” art degree). 

The line between an art degree and a design degree is often blurred, as neither subject is clearly defined. As a result, many students end up deciding to take a selection of courses residing in both categories. 

After earning a degree, art students often choose to pursue a wide range of careers. Broadly speaking, graphic design is one of the fastest-growing career paths within this range—most attribute this to the rise of technology, which shows no sign of slowing down. 

However, many art degrees can be used supplementally to achieve a vastly different career path, or solely to meet graduation requirements. Nonetheless, they’re commonly seen as a perfect way to let your creativity loose and learn while also thinking introspectively and bringing your inner self outwards. 




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